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Prayer team: Todd Volker
Prayer team: Darlene Padilla
Prayer team: Judi Kenney
Prayer team: Don Decker


Street level prayer began with Jesus.


Jesus says to His followers, "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it." (John 14:12-14)


Shawn Heggi from Redlands, California began his street level prayer with an A-frame sign that read, Need Prayer? in a dirt lot across the street from a hospital.


Todd Volker, author of Street Level Prayer picked up the baton after reading an article about Heggi. The Holy Spirit prompted him to start his ministry in a vacant lot across from a hospital in Corona, California. Eventually he moved the prayer booth to a farmer's market in Fullerton, and set up for several years. Thousands prayed with Volker and his team and many came to receive Jesus in their hearts.


Four years later, Judi Kenney had a vivid dream. She was holding a Need Prayer? sign, standing in front of her local high school. She wrote down her dream, waited, and prayed for God's confirmation as He placed upon her heart to pray for three high schools, three days a week, for thirty minutes a day.


Soon after, God validated her dream through several incidences, including a friend's recommendation to read Volker's book, Street Level Prayer, and connecting her with two seasoned prayer partners, Don Decker and Darleen Padilla. Together, they bought a Need Prayer? banner and hung it on a pop-up canopy and began praying with students at three local high schools in their area.

In a few short months, the prayer team expanded and prayed for hundreds of students. The needs and stories were many and great, which prompted her to set a goal for others to pray near every California public high school (1,299 to be exact) by 2025.


This is the street level prayer Jesus calls Believers to engage in. It is sharing the love of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit to a hurting and searching generation. It is our privilege to partner with God to show them the Way through prayer.

Don Decker, Darlene Padilla, Judi Kenney
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