Adopt A School
Six Simple Steps to Change Your Community
Does your high school need a prayer team? Adopt a School requires six simples steps. Today you can start to change your community and witness the love of Jesus through the power of prayer to a hurting and searching generation.

1. Pray
Pray and ask God to confirm your
desire to be a part of this dynamic movement to battle for the next generation of teens.

3. Find a Prayer Partner
Contact a prayer partner
to join you in praying near the high school campus with students
one day a week after school.
"Jesus sent them out two by two."
4. Read Basic Training Pages
Read the Basic Training pages and for more in depth study, check out Street Level Prayer by Todd Volker, the "How To" on street ministry .
5. Get Supplies
Get a Need Prayer? sign. Choose from an A-frame sign, banner for an EZ up or pop-up canopy. Bring a journal to jot down prayers, and the school's Christian club info cards to give to new believers.

6. Set Up and Pray
Set your schedule to pray with your prayer partner and students near the high school each week on the same day, same time, and same location. Consistency is the key for an
ongoing ministry.