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Writer's pictureTodd Volker

Gen Z- The Grandchildren of the Jesus Revolution

We can see historically that God has chosen certain generations to partner with Him in accomplishing significant Kingdom breakthroughs. In recent times, God moved powerfully through the Baby Boomer generation (Born between 1946 and 1964) in what has been called

the Jesus People Movement or the Jesus Revolution. I believe that an even more significant move of God is going to take place through the most unlikely of generations - Gen Z! Many of them are the grandchildren of the Boomer generation. Another way to say it is: “From Boomers to Zoomers.”

Much has been written about Generation Z (born 1997-2012, and current ages: 12-27), and much of it negative. They do not have the best reputation inside or outside the church. The negative stereotypes classify them as: “lazy,” “entitled,” “unreliable,” “easily offended,” “addicted to social media (and porn),” “over-educated yet lacking basic skills,” and “toxic for business.” They also tend to have a higher rate of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety and fear, than previous generations. Of course these stereotypes are generalizations and somewhat exaggerated, but the majority of research on Generation Z does tend to paint a pretty dark and troubled picture of them. I think that God has a different view: He has placed this generation at the perfect moment of history to bring a historic revival, a 3rd Great Awakening if you will, to the earth.

The obvious question is: Why would God choose Gen Z for this? God only knows - literally! Why did He choose a bunch of hippies and war protesters for the Jesus Revolution of the 60’s and 70’s? (There are some interesting similarities between these two generations if you take the time to look). The best answer is that God is sovereign and chooses whoever He pleases. Isaiah 46.10 is an applicable verse for this: “I (the LORD) make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’” He has His reasons and who are we to question Him (Is. 26.19)? Why did God choose Israel? The Lord seems to have a habit of choosing some of the least, and not the best or most qualified. Consider His choice of Moses, or Gideon, or even the Twelve! He can choose whoever He wants and it is my sense (call it prophecy if you like), that the Lord is choosing Generation Z for a very significant outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

What’s wrong with the Generation X (Born between 1965 and 1980) or Millennials, also known as Generation Y (Born between 1981 and 1996)? The answer is that nothing is wrong with them, as God has always used every generation to move forward His Kingdom plan. But there are special times and moments in history that God has appointed for special things to occur. The Ancient Greek word for this is kairos (καιρός), and it means "the right, critical, or opportune moment.” (See Gal. 4.3)

So what does this mean for us in the previous generations (I’m a Baby Boomer)? Here are a

few insights on this that I think will be helpful now and in the future:

  1. Find ways to bless and disciple Gen Z now, and reach out to them in any way you can

with encouragement and grace (undeserved favor).

  1. It is going to be easy in the future to let jealousy of what God is doing with Gen Z drive

us to criticize this move of God and oppose it. This is akin to the situation where Joseph’s older brothers turned against him because of his father’s (Jacob’s) special favor in Genesis 37. Think of Gen Z as a bunch of youth walking around wearing “Spiritual Technicolor Dream Coats.”

  1. It has been said that the biggest critics of the current revival are those who were part of

the previous one. Let’s not let that be us by embracing what God is going to do next,

even if it looks different and He is using “them.” Remember that the Lord can do

“whatever He pleases.”

  1. We should, however, let that jealousy drive us back to God and seek Him for the same

favor and anointing we are seeing in the young. We can humble ourselves and choose

to be new wineskins!

  1. To sum it up, our role is to “Show the way but not get in the way!”

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1 Comment

Nov 20

What an encouraging and faith-filled perspective! A Boomer myself, I am honored to have a Zoomer who partners with me in advancing the Kimgdom. He inspires me to live my "last third" with as much energy,  excitement and hope as I see in him.

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